Tuesday, March 30, 2010

deep deep DEEP in the trenches

sEEING sIDEWAYS - class reaction

yesterday was a very serious day for those who had yet to present their experiments. For those of us who were there, no recap is needed. For those of you who weren't, I am not at liberty to share these experiments. Shortly thereafter in an unforeseen transition, we spent the rest of the class discussing (or I should say everyone ELSE) the points of various religions. However, I noticed that it quickly turned into a bashing session. Offensive things were said....MANY offensive things were said. I watched the banter go back in forth under the darkened rim of my hat with a strange combination of both curiosity and mental anguish.

I've always found people to be...interesting; the way they talk about things they do not understand. How, in the same breath, they will speak in a tone of superiority and authority but admit that what they speak on is still blurry to them. But then again, you don't know you need glasses until you put on a pair for the first time.

Believe me, I could write paragraphs on the subject if I desired, but I do not wish to stir up a hornets nest. The point of any of this is not to prove who is right, but what is true. I know what is true not because I consider myself any better, smarter, or wiser than anyone else. But because I know the One who knows the truth. And He's kept it crystal clear for me for the last 21 years. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


p.s. In the words of Craig Ferguson, "I look forward to your emails." :-P

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Dreaded Fear Factor.

My expectations:

My expected results is that some of the time people will find what I'm doing to be alittle awkward due to its high chance for failure. Some of the time people will find it amusing and may laugh. Some of the time people will do nothing.
My Results:
My results were quite surprising and quite satisfactory. Everyone (while not ALWAYS laughing) did find the whole experiment quite amusing. Beth however, was breathless with laughter. While a professor laughing vigorously at your project is normally signal to an impending F, it was quite the opposite in this circumstance (or at least I hope with bated breath).

There were at least two voices that I did that my voice cracked for, so making sure my voice is up to snuff beforehand would be important for next time. Also carrying some more water might help. Having some starter scripts for each voice might also help me be more prepared for my next routine (assuming there is a next time.)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Facing our fears and Freezing

sEEING sIDEWAYS - DAY....(I forget)

We started the class by playing the practical joke that we had all planned to play on those who decided to leave class early last week. Basically, we replicated the Grand Central Station Freeze and had everyone involved freeze outside whenever Prof. Lykins said "banana." What a blast!

We then went back to class and discussed facing our fears while Beth disclosed most of hers to the entire class. Also a.....blast.

It was a relatively short class and we have a tough assignment to think about over spring break so if you don't mind, I will go back to doing that.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Microscopic GENIUS!!!

sEEING sIDEWAYS - Day 5 (I think. We'll just roll with it.)

Wow, yesterday's class was amazing. After doing some presentations. Beth pulled out her microscope camera and we took a close look at everyday objects (jeans, mouth, tabletop, rocks) to see what they looked like up close. We even made some really interesting designs in photoshop. We then tried to fix our assignment by running outside and CREATING designs in what little snow there was left. Beth even brought her microscope camera! After what turned into a snowball fight, we proceeded to walk across the street to Hardees (a few blocks down the way) and lay down in there parking lot. I felt rather awkward doing it and the ground was wet, but I trusted that Beth knew what she was doing. After awhile, some people came and stood over us to make sure everything was ok. One lady even asked what we were protesting about! lol. I don't exactly know what I was suppose to learn, but I suspect I will before the day is done.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Onion Baby!

Let's discuss Dreams.

When observing this assignment, I was able to come up with several examples of things that looked like something other than what they first were. However, (as per the assignment's instructions) I was unable to create any. So I sat down on a couch, and thought. As I thought, my heavy eyelids sent me to sleep and when I awakened I was hit with an epiphany. Dreams are something I could create but at the same time, I had no control over them. And while some of them may seem like random images soon forgotten, many become inspiration for projects, films, sounds, and seeing sideways. I've even had dreams be inspirations for Computer Science code. A very interesting relationship to my mind indeed.

however, my original project for this blog is posted below and envolves our old friend Pikachu. However, I scrapped the project seeing how I did not CREATE it. Hopefully you'll find both of these interesting.