Monday, April 19, 2010

Look 2C

The difference between looking and seeing.........that's a tough one.

looking is the act of an observation.
seeing is this observation carried out to conclusive action. In short, Seeing is the scientific conclusion in which Looking is the trail of an experiment.

Seeing is an realization.
The difference between Looking and Seeing is a pair of glasses.

How often do we say the phrase "I see" when have come to an understanding about something?

Seeing is knowing how a tiny object plays out in the big picture and how they're connected to other tiny objects. It's pulling back from the ever-so present illusion of normalcy and realizing how this piece of the puzzle fits. Why it fits. What will happen to other pieces because of it.

Seeing is the Bigger Picture. We look at things all the time. But only in rare moments, do we actually see them.

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